Gaea Documentation
The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.

The Bomber node takes an input heightfield and "stamps" or bombs it across the entire surface of the terrain using the randomization properties you set.

If your terrain has a hard edge, try using the Zero Borders or Clamp in Clip mode before applying the Bomber node.



DistributionThe method of distribution
RandomA randomized distribution that results in pure chaotic patterns. PoissonA discrete probability distribution function that results in a natural distribution. GridA normalized grid distribution function that results in a systematic pattern.
ClustersThe number of independent distribution clusters.
DensityThe density of the independent clusters, and the instances within each cluster.
VariationsThe number of variations to create. These variations will then be randomly repeated on the surface. Higher numbers take longer to process but creates more varied results.
JitterThe random offset applied to each instance while distributing.
Blend ModeHow the base terrain and bombed instances are merged.
AddAdds the two values together. ScreenAdds the two inputs without overexposing the output. MaxSelects the higher of the two. Difference Creates the difference of the two inputs.


StrengthThe minimum contribution level in overlapping instances.
Strength MaxThe maximum contribution level in overlapping instances.
ProportionalEnforce proportional scaling, or allow non-proportional modifications.
Minimum ScaleThe smallest randomized instance size.
Maximum ScaleThe largest randomized instance size.
Minimum RotationThe minimum randomized rotation angle.
Maximum RotationThe maximum randomized rotation angle.
SeedThe randomization pattern or seed for the node's process.
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