Gaea Documentation
The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.

Fluvial erosion is a "secondary" erosion. It is most useful when applied on top of an already eroded surface, or when you need light erosion where carving is more important than sedimentation.


DurationThe number of erosion cycles to simulate. Usually 200 is sufficient.
PowerThe strength of the erosion.
GranularityWhether debris should be fine like dust, or coarse like rocks and even boulders.
BasLenThe sub-simulation length of each particle.
RadiusThe area affected by each particle.
RandomThe randomness of each particle's motion.
SeedThe randomization pattern or seed for the node's process.

This node uses Parallel Processing. See this link if you encounter grid-like artifacts in this node.

Erosion Hydro

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This documentation is licensed under the MIT License, a very permissive open-source license.