The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.
Growth Areas | |
Type | The shape of the generic trees to grow.ConifersSharp, tall spikes that look like coniferous trees. BroadleafA highly generic shape that looks like a wide coverage of broadleaf plants like forests and jungles. ShrubsA simple, sparse growth that looks like shrubs |
Health | The overall health of the ecosystem. Degrading health will create sparser populations, tree stump-like formations, and general dead patches. When Health goes below 0%, growths will be forced into small groves or sparse populations in only a few random places on the terrain. |
Height | The arbitrary height of the individual plants. |
Style | The style of the generated tree shape. |
Seed | The randomization pattern or seed for the node's process. |
Inhibitors | |
Growth | The fertility of the ecosystem. |
Flowing Water | Growth bias towards freshwater flows.AvoidTrees will grow away from flowing water or snow accumulation. Useful for places with rivers, snow accumulation, etc. SeekTrees will grow closer to where water flows, often in shadowed places. Useful for arid environments, canyons, etc. |
Flows | The amount of flow to simulate. |
Consolidate Flows | Consolidation of smaller flows. Higher values merge smaller flows into larger ones. |
Simulation Bias | Artificially bias the growth to lower or higher areas. Useful for artistic tweaking. |
Altitude Min/Max | The altitude range within which plants can grow. |
Slope Min/Max | The slope range within which plants can grow. |
Patches | The amount of empty patches in the vegetation growth areas. |
Chaos | The distortion of the vegetation grove/clump edges. |
Smooth | The amount of edge smoothing where vegetation becomes sparse. |

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