Gaea Documentation
The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.

Interface Shortcuts

You can also access a handy reference sheet in Gaea from the Help Menu in the top right corner of the main window.

General Commands

NewCtrl + N
OpenCtrl + O
SaveCtrl + S
Save incrementalCtrl + Shift + S
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y
Toggle 2D ViewportF6
Suspend/Resume Engine`
Attempt to cancel preview buildEsc

Viewport Navigation

Move forward / left / back / rightW A S D
Move up / downQ E
Center terrain in viewportSpace

Node and Graph

Graph Commands

Quick search nodesTAB
Zoom graph to fit allCtrl + 0
MultiMix selected nodesF8
Convert connection to portalCtrl + P
Highlight entire chain from current nodeH
Highlight all ancestors (left side)Left Ctrl + H
Highlight all descendants (right side)Right Ctrl + H
Select descendantsE
Select ancestorsShift + E
Auto layout selected nodesF4
Switch to desired tabCtrl 1-9
Go to and select favorite node1-9
Show the Exposed properties editorF12

Node Commands

Delete node / connectionDel
Duplicate nodeCtrl + D
Rename nodeF2
Refresh nodeF5
Bypass nodeB
Pin node previewF
Pin node for color previewG
Mark node for saveF3
Bake selected node and ancestorsF9
Reset node to default settingsCtrl + R
Cycle display modeCtrl + T
Open Connect menuC
Open Disconnect menuX
Open Quick Navigate menu,
Add node to graph favoritesCtrl + F2
Collapse/Expand nodeF11
Preferences Command Reference

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This documentation is licensed under the MIT License, a very permissive open-source license.