The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.
Released on 28 September 2022
What's new in Gaea
The Production Ready build for the 1.3.1 version is now available. This build provides several critical bug fixes and improvements. It is a highly recommended update.
See these blog posts for more details: Gaea, Gaea, Gaea, Gaea
- Undo and Paste operations could hide connections in the graph.
- Tab Switching would show nodes and connections incorrectly in some cases.
- Mask node would create unclamped heights in some cases.
- Renderer could create white patches in some rare cases.
- Fixed an AO issue in Ultra AO mode in Light node.
- Gaea-exported EXR files would not load correctly in File node.
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This documentation is licensed under the MIT License, a very permissive open-source license.