The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.
Released on 02 July 2020
Important update with several bug fixes, stability improvements, and minor enhancements to nodes. Recommended patch.
- Random selection button for SatMap Editor.
- Notification when Underlay is missing.
- Shift+Drop Chokepoint does not reprocess children.
- Canyonizer is now marked as a heavy node, gets more loops.
- Lakes processing improved.
- Range node gets new Chaos option.
- Addressed several situations where a crash could occur.
- License key would not load on Splash screen.
- Island editor could crash on re-edit.
- Node's Show As option would not refresh.
- Cache export message box could block UI.
- File thumbnail would not save.
- Incremental save could crash if filename was too short.
- 2D view would not resize when 3D window is floating.
- Gaea would forget last used path.
- Several minor stability issues addressed.
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This documentation is licensed under the MIT License, a very permissive open-source license.