Gaea Documentation
The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.

The Crater primitive creates different types of crater shapes. Like all primitives, it is not meant to be the finished product, but rather a starting point from which to develop your own detailed shape.

Craters can be either volcanic, which start at the base and go up in a conical shape; or they can be impact, where the inside of the crater can be deeper than the base or the ground around the crater.

Impact Crater: The base is higher than the "ground" as the impact crater goes below the surface.

Volcanic Crater: The base is a flat area and easier to combine with existing terrains.



ProfileThe different types of crater styles.
CraterfieldCreates a craterfield which has combination of small and large craters. CraterCreates a single crater.
ScaleThe scale of the volcano.
DepthDepth of the impact. Lowering the depth also elevates the surrounding ground level.
DensityDensity of craters in the craterfield.
FloorThe altitude of the crater floor.
DepthDepth of the impact. Lowering the depth also elevates the surrounding ground level.
Outer ScaleThe scale of the outer elevated wall of the impact zone.
Inner ScaleThe scale of the inside of the impact zone.
ModulateModulate the distribution between the ground, walls, and floor of the crater zone.
LipCreates a transition wall or "lip" between the inside and outside of the impact zone.


XHorizontal placement of craterfield.
YVertical placement of craterfield.
SeedThe randomization pattern or seed for the node's process.
Canyon Dunes

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