The documentation is being updated for version 1.3. Some sections may be incomplete.
Released on 06 December 2022
What's new in Gaea
NOTE: We have re-released this version with an updated installer. If you faced a crash while using Gaea, please re-download this version and install it over the previous one.
For more details see the blog post Gaea 1.3.2.
Changes in
- Automatic Underlay selection.
- FIX: Build Manager could unnecessarily reprocess the graph when changing settings.
- FIX: Chokepoint can work with color maps as well as heightfields.
- FIX: Replace Node could work incorrectly in some scenarios.
- FIX: Color space of EXR color maps could be incorrect.
- FIX: Warning when Nahimic tools can interfere with Gaea.
- Additional internal fixes.
Changes in
- RockNoise: a new tool for making rocks.
- Obj2Heightfield: Import OBJ files and capture them as heightfields.
- Screenshots: transparent backgrounds, 4x supersampling.
- Screenshots: save quickly to Screenshots folder with automatic filenames.
- Screenshots: new dedicated button in Status Bar.
- Rocky: new mode to make stratified rocks.
- TOR File thumbnails now smaller JPEGs instead of uncompressed PNGs.
- Route node revised.
- More detailed build logs when using automation or Houdini Bridge.
- Outcrops: defaults tweaked.
- Show cumulative build time of select nodes in Status Bar.
- New license management UI in main menu.
- File node: Gaea EXR checkbox renamed to 32-bit EXR to better describe the function.
- Added safety warning to Mesher when using Optimized structure.
- FIX: Optimized mesh output could fail in rare scenarios.
- FIX: Optimized mesh output could crash in Build Swarm.
- FIX: Mesh could incorrectly save during design-time.
- FIX: Mountain could crash if scale was set to 0.
- FIX: Crumble would cause errors when some values were too low.
- FIX: Thumbnail files accessed in Start screen would remain locked during session.
- FIX: Auto Apply in blank file could crash Gaea.
- FIX: Statistics dialog could display cache size incorrectly.
- FIX: Several internal bug fixes and memory improvements.

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This documentation is licensed under the MIT License, a very permissive open-source license.